The Men’s Advance is a two-day meeting for the men of independent Baptist churches in northern Minnesota and the surrounding area. It’s like a retreat, but real men don’t retreat – they advance! The dates for the Men’s Advance are April 16-17, 2021.
All about the
Focus on
The Men’s Advance is a wonderful time for good, godly fellowship and fun between men. But primarily, it is an event that is centered on the preaching of God’s Word. There will be two messages on Friday evening, and three more on Saturday.
Our main speaker this year is Evangelist Bill Prater from Fellowship Baptist Church in Liberal, KS.
Find our
Again this year, the Men’s Advance will be hosted at Bible Baptist Church in Crookston, Minnesota. The address is 23928 265th St SW, Crookston, MN 56716.
Preaching theme

This year our session speakers will be preaching on some of the “Mighty Men” of David. The weapons they used and the principles they held are examples to us still today. David could not have been the mighty leader and king that he was without the support of the mighty men he had around him.

3D Bow Shoot / Pistol Range
We’re excited to bring back the annual bow and pistol shoot that we’re calling “Shoot Like a Man!” On Friday, April 16, those participating in the shoot will enjoy a fun archery course of various 3D targets in a country setting, along with a separate pistol range. There is no cost to participate!
Bring your own bow and arrows and/0r handguns and ammo if you have them. A limited number will be available for use for those who do not have their own. Meet at the Hoiseth farm at 11:00 am: 22505 230th Ave SW, Crookston, MN.
In order to give the preachers full liberty to preach on the struggles and topics unique to men, we ask that young men be at least 14 years old to attend.
There are a limited number of hotel rooms in Crookston that are being provided by the members of Bible Baptist Church and Northwoods Baptist Church. If you would like to reserve one of these rooms, please let us know that you’re coming no later than March 16.
This meeting is less formal than a regular church service. Most guys will be dressed “business casual.” In other words, feel free to leave the tie at home.
The Men’s Advance is a joint ministry of Bible Baptist Church and Northwoods Baptist Church. There is no registration fee; only a free-will offering for the guest preachers. The Friday “Shoot Like a Man” activity is also included in the event, free of charge.

Next year's Men's Advance

Men’s Advance 2022 will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 22-23.
We're excited to have you here
We know that you are going to love Men’s Advance. If there’s anything we can do to help you prepare to come, or any questions you may have, please reach out to us!
Church Address: 23928 265th St SW, Crookston, MN 56716
To Register:
Pastor Hoiseth: (218) 760-6103
Pastor Nicholson: (405) 428-2936