
Contact block horizontal

Create vivid horizontal contact blocks to help your visitors find you.

About Contact Block Horizontal

Short Description

Add standard horizontal contact block to the site. It’ll help your visitors to get all the needed contact info as once. Display your address, phone number, email with various decoration styles to achieve the best styles on the site.

Style — Simple; Layout — n/a; Inside options — custom image;
Watch module video
Use 1080p for better quality.
Image module
Our address:

121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Our phones:

(0556) 501-889-322 or (0665) 577-133-001

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Module variations

Simple Style.
Image module
Style — Simple; Layout — default; Inside options — defaults;
Our address:

121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Our phones:

(0556) 501-889-322 or (0665) 577-133-001

Bordered Style.
Image module
Style — Bordered; Layout — default; Inside options — defaults;
Our address:

121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Our phones:

(0556) 501-889-322 or (0665) 577-133-001

Underline Style.
Image module
Style — underline; Layout — default; Inside options — defaults;
Our address:

121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Our phones:

(0556) 501-889-322 or (0665) 577-133-001

Background Style.
Image module
Style — Background; Layout — default; Inside options — defaults;
Our address:

121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Our phones:

(0556) 501-889-322 or (0665) 577-133-001